Monday, March 29, 2010

It's starting!!!

This morning just as J was hopping into the shower for work we got a phone call.  I was having a leisurely morning.  In fact, I was still in my pajamas.  So as I went to answer the phone, I definitely was wondering who on earth would be calling us so early in the morning?!  (it was actually already 8:30. heh.  like i said, leisurely morning.)

Hello? It was our general contractor (for the big remodel) asking if they could come and rip the chimney out. Yep.  Like...right now? Yep.!  

Now, you have to understand that they weren't supposed to come for two more weeks.  And the kitchen was still filled with dishes.  Dirty dishes actually.  And pots and pans and tables and things on the wall.  And it all needed to come down and be packed away before they started knocking down the two story chimney!  They said they'd be by in an hour.  OK! READY GO!
Somehow we got things packed away rather quickly and got everything ready before they arrived.  And it really was quite exciting to see them pull up with this giant cherry picker truck.  The boys were excited about that part too.  They worked all day today, pounding and drilling away the old chimney.  It was loud and messy.  And at one point there was a giant hole in my house!!!  But the work has begun!!!!!!!!!!!  How exciting is that????!!!

We took some before pics.  Here is a glimpse of what the kitchen looks like now. 

 Lovely isn't it? That empty spot next to the sink was where the fridge used to live.  Now it is in a different room so we can use it during the ripping out process.  
Here you can see the chimney.  It is inside the wall there....see where the wall sticks out a bit and is all rough looking?  Yeah....that is the part that is getting ripped out right now as I finish typing this.
This wall that you see between the kitchen and dining room is going to be ripped out.  In it's place will be a cabinet island and breakfast bar.  :)  

And here is the color palette that I've chosen.  

Starting from the left: The kitchen color, cabinet color(white), dining room color.  And then on the right....that darker green is the color for the dining room table (which I'm planning on painting) and the other bright colors are for the chairs. :)  I also will be painting all the unfinished cabinets!!! I'm not sure how I'm going to find time for all of this, but I am excited about it.  I LOVE to paint!  So so much.  It's one of my favorite things to do.  There is just something so relaxing about smearing the paint on with a brush.  And having a freshly painted wall with just the right color is such a great feeling too!

Well...I'm off to do some more schooling with the boys, despite the pounding happening presently in the kitchen.  Oi.  I think we'll head outside and plant some onions......

1 comment:

  1. Such a great color pallet! I really like your idea for the table and chairs. I wonder if everyone will pick their favorite color chair to sit in each night?
    I can't wait to see the finished project.
