Four boys. Yep. Four. And we are so very glad for each of them!
(Now for the record here...i wanted to do a post on j and i first since "we" were first. But...that would require a picture....and a picture would require us to both be clean and dressed and in the same room at the same time with enough forethought to have the camera and a it'll have to wait.) But for the record, J is my favorite boy.

Cricket is 5 1/2. He is always singing. Always moving. Always hugging and crawling into a lap and telling a story. We love that about you dear boy! He also loves to build things, loves to draw out his imaginitive stories and loves to be with his brothers. He is quick to see the beauty in things and to tell you what he is thinking. This picture of him shows his pensive side, which I like. Most pictures have his contagious grin! One last thing which I admire about him is that he is both incredibly sensitive and incredibly tough. He can put himself in others shoes (when he's not off in his world of imagination) and yet he didn't shed a tear when getting his cast on his broken elbow. What else do you have in store for us dear boy?

Owl. Little owl is 3. Named after the bird from Owl at Home by Arnold Lobel. Especially the story titled, "bumps". He likes to read stories, to play dress-up, to sing and play piano. He loves being included in what the older boys are playing and loves to chat about his day with us. He is also a great snuggler and is learning how to help out in the kitchen and to fold laundry. (for which he is really proud of himself.) I always enjoy myself when I am around him. His little songs and conversation keep me in good company, and I am proud of how he is turning into a sweet older brother and helper to me. Oh, and did I mention that he likes to watch the birds at the feeder. Especially the two different kinds of woodpeckers that visit us. I forget which ones they are but he could tell you.
Our baby we call Little Hen. He is 9 months old. Scooting all over the house

and exploring everything! He is a happy boy, and even when it's the middle of the night and he is up for the second time and we are tired, J and I find ourselves smiling because Hen is so darn cute! He (does that count?) and his brothers. He giggles more for them than for anyone else. He loves his blanket and to read stories and to watch the cars go by out the window. He likes going for walks in the backpack with papa and he loves baths. The only thing he doesn't seem to like is eating food. We are still working on that, but I'm sure like the other boys he'll get the hang of it all too soon. Little complete our family and we love you.
girl. Millie. Always ready for a walk, a wag, a snuggle. She wholeheartedly believes I want to walk with her every morning, for which I thank her. She also inspires me to pick up the toys and laundry more frequently. The boys adore her and she has helped us through the loss of our dear cat Solomon. I love how the boys are growing up with her and that she is becoming one of us. We love you Milford. (j's affectionate name for her, especially funny when coming out of Owl's mouth.)
I'm really glad you started this blog
ReplyDeleteI love you & your little brood of boys :)