Sunday, January 9, 2011

Making Changes....

Making changes takes practice doesn't it?  Yeah.  That's where it gets tough.  Practice isn't always fun or easy, and sometimes you don't see the results for quite some time.  Yet, here we are in the midst of the practicing part as we work on some changes around here.  But we are starting to see some results!

I am pleased to tell you that J has finally made some headway in regards to his back pain.  The new chiropractor that he is seeing is helping alot and so is the fact that we got rid of our terrible, horrible, no good, very bad couch!  For real.   See?
I realized the other day that the only reason we kept the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad couch was because it would be considered weird to not have a couch!  Well, and also I would like my house to be a place of hospitality and comfort to our family and friends.  With no place to sit other than the floor that might be a challenge for some of you!   But then I thought.....well...if the man can't even sit on the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad couch without being in pain then who cares what other people expect or want or find comfortable in our home!  It's his home for pete's sake!  So the boys and I hauled it out!  Hurray!  And now we have the very comfortable floor to sit on.  Ha ha.  Perhaps sometime we will save a bit of money to get a new couch that is pain free, but until then I am rejoicing at the new opportunities this empty room brings.  Now, you can often find us all gathered round the coffee tables playing a game or moving the tables off to the side and getting out the sleeping bags for a movie.  So cozy!

Check back tomorrow for an update on my weight loss journey!  I'm making progress and have so much to share with you.  Thank you to those of you who've emailed me about this!  I had no idea so many of you would be encouraged by my story.  But that's how it works right?  We shape each other.  I'm so glad to be with you on this journey.  It keeps me accountable!  More tomorrow.....



  1. i am a fan of spaces that can be what ever you like when ever you like! no sofa creates space for FLOOR CUSHIONS which are a real asset when it comes to fort making!!! also push that coffee table to the side and it looks like you have a great room for yoga for you and the boys! xo

  2. I am glad to hear that Joel is starting to get through and perhaps beyond his back pain.


  3. Stacie,

    It's so funny that you mentioned fort making, because that is exactly what the kids said! They would like that room to be permanently set up with their giant teepee and sleeping bags. :)
    Miss you guys, and I'm glad you got back home safely.
