Last week we spent one day at a new Homeschool Co-op that started in our area. We were happy to be invited to join, and even happier to participate in the art, music, and gym classes. It is a relatively small group of families and run by people that we trust. Hurray! Only the older two boys are taking classes, which gives me some extra time with the littler boys. Hurray again! I had tons of cool ideas of how to spend that first day with Owl and Hen, but they had an even better idea. When I asked them what they wanted to do it was unanimous. Snuggle on the bed and tell stories. Um, ok! We had a great time just the three of us, and the older boys had a lot of fun too! :)
The art class is so awesome. It is not crafty at all. (phew) It is taught by a Chinese man, and he is teaching form and color and other important things. I believe children should be free to do as they like with art for the most part. But how cool is it for them to learn art "words" and ideas so that they know how to communicate with other artists? Here are the first two paintings the boys did.

Badger's study of fish

Cricket's study...of the same fish...isn't it cool how different they are?
When I asked the boys what their favorite part of classes were, they admitted eating lunch (they got to have a "packed" lunch with the other students) and gym were their favorites. :) I was a little surprised, because the boys love to draw and paint and I was excited for them about the art class. But then they told me all about the balloon popping game for gym time and it did sound really quite fun. It is great to see them becoming more independent every day. *sigh* Oh, how I love my boys!
Wow!!! Cool!!!! I'm so glad for you to be finding some community around homeschooling - sounds like this could be good for everyone! Are parents running it, or are you collectively hiring teachers? Just curious...Is it near you?
ReplyDeleteIt is both parent run and teacher run....that is the parents that started it are teachers and then they hired another man to teach art. The parents that started it have been involved with another Co-op that meets farther away and decided to start one up for people more in this area, so they have experience with running this kind of thing before. Also several of the families that we see on a regular basis with our play group are involved, so it's nice to see them in a different context. That's all.