Just look at these frowsy-headed boys.
This photo shows, rather accurately I think, just how we all are feeling. This Croup is such a bummer. We are still under the weather and tired, tired, tired from all the coughing. We ARE on the mend though and I'm glad to report that at least we are sleeping a bit better and breathing a bit better too. It's been a long two weeks. Loooooooong. What makes it so hard really, is just that little Hen is so crabby. He doesn't feel good so I don't blame him, but it's been a little rough on us all. He's fine so long as he's held. And adored. And the center of Mama's world. Which I'd gladly do all day if I hadn't three other sick children, and the need to blow my own nose. :)Here's what we've been doing to keep up our spirits. Besides our regular child-led, loosey goosey routine of school work, which on most days means Math and Writing in our journals. There's been lots of building.....
the draw bridge actually functions on a pulley....
Cricket and Little Owl have entered a Lego Contest. The category was flying creatures. Here is Owl's firefly with light up brick. (yes, it really lights up)

There's been lots of this.
Yes, that's me and Hen sitting on the kitchen floor. Just sitting and holding hands. And me singing songs. And holding. And talking. And holding. And drying tears. Poor little man.
And then there was some of this. We planted seeds! In these cute little blue pots that I recently bought for myself. (they were just a dollar! hurray for finding pretty pots for a dollar!)
We planted basil in all of these little pots and then a big pot of dill and another of parsley. Ahhh, how I love to grow things. It is so wicked cold outside just now, but this...this planting helps me endure. Every time I put a seed in the dirt, it's like revisiting the promise of growth. Of hope. Yes. Hope!
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