This morning, while Hen and I were nursing in the big bed, I was listening to the boys playing in their room and watching the trees outside our bedroom window. I love maple trees. I had one outside my window when I was a girl and these giants that guard our house make me feel cozy and safe like they are old friends. As I was watching the trees, thinking and praying, I was so excited to see that a little bird was checking out our birdhouse! I think it was a nuthatch, and I am not sure he or she has taken up residence but I did see it fly away and come back twice. What a lovely thing to see as I was waking this morning.

The day proceeded to be filled with cozy things. We made homemade donuts with freshly ground flour this morning. Freshly ground wheat tastes SO different than regular wheat flour. I knew that it would make a huge nutritional difference, but i had no idea what a difference it would make in taste!
This picture doesn't do Mr. Tasty or the donuts justice. ha. (by the way....the boys love mr. tasty. thanks uncle b.)
We also went to a band concert today to see Grandma and Grandpa play their instruments. The boys enjoyed it very much and Cricket got to try Grandpa's french horn. He can actually make quite a sound. (not easy to do!) Then we came home and spent some time drawing and hanging up of art in our new art "gallery".

There was also a surprise blessing from a friend, who dropped off a big bag of clothes for the boys, a nice pair of slippers for Badger, and a stack of books that their kids have outgrown. I love having new books in the house. Bedtime stories will be extra special tonight.
please teach me how to make home made donuts!