Today we had a snow day. :) It didn't snow at all today, but that didn't matter, we still have over a foot outside. In fact, most places in our wilderness of a yard come up to about my knee. (Can you picture me with the babe in the pack hanging on to Owl's little hand so he can stand up in the drifts?) So we decided to celebrate it all as a way to embrace what we've been given.
It started with snowflake pancakes. I didn't take a pic of them (remember the dying camera) but you can see some cool snowflake food ideas here. (the snowflake quesadillas are especially cute!) There was also some snowflake making (the paper kind) and lots and lots of playing outside in the snow. The weather was beautiful today (above 20 degrees!!! whoo hooo! it feels so warm after the cold, cold, cold that we've had lately) We stayed out sledding on the hill until we had to bring little Hen in to warm up. Then we had some hot cocoa and gingerbread cookies.
As I was writing that last little bit, I was reminded of what kind of men I want them to be when they grow up, which reminded me of this conversation.....
Today Cricket and Badger were discussing a past "incident" involving the eating of chili (not their favorite thing) and how Badger was really disrespectful to Papa during the incident. And Badger said to Cricket, "well at least you were on my side." And Cricket replied in a concerned tone, "yeah, well I was, but I'm not going to be on your side anymore when you go against papa. Because I want you to turn into a good man B." wow. yeah. I am not in this alone. We are all invested in each other.

And also....
We got out the train track and cars today. When we cleaned up the toy room we moved the train table to a different room with the intention of setting it up for little Hen. Today we set up the track and got Thomas and his friends all ready to go. Hen was enchanted with it. He sat and watched Badger push the train round and round the track until B decided he didn't want to play that anymore. (he had done it at least 20 times. ) Then, when B left the room Hen scooted over to the table and tried it out for himself! Pulled himself right up!
He also makes a pretty good Chugga-chugga sound. And when I told him to "hang on" as he was a little wobbly while standing there (did you see he was holding on with just one hand?) he repeated me...."haan on". Um, okay little buddy. I will.
Wow! Amazing that he's starting to 'talk'! what a smile! you have a lovely family :)